Minutes by David Pyle » PenTwist

Minutes by David Pyle

MinutesFrontONLYImagine being able to pick up or touch an object and in a few moments time, know everything there is to know about it.  Imagine not knowing you were predisposed to haptic sensitivity until some stressor plunged you into a world you weren’t prepared for.

Nathan Heart, youngest of five siblings, has come to ignore the freakish noises inside Heart Manor and the brutal rankles of his eldest sister over the last twelve months.  Alone, after watching the decline of his mother during the last stages of Alzheimer’s, and the duress of fulfilling the last wishes of her Will, his only hope is to sell the estate and be free of his indentured bondage.

Refusing to accept supernatural explanations for strange happenings in the empty mansion, Nathan feels he may have inherited his parent’s genome of insanity, causing the noises to take on a different meaning.  On the verge of seeking professional help for the unthinkable, Nathan Heart is thrown a lifeline. The house is sold, but the new owners have attached a web of strings that will hurtle him down a rabbit hole he never knew existed.

ISBN 13:  978-0615860510

 Also available at Amazon Books – Click Here